April 16, 2015

Breakthrough launch from Amazon

Having spent so many years in consumer marketing, I loved seeing how Aamazin is exploring innovative ways to rethink the shopper experience.

BBVA Investing in UX and Design

BBVA acquires San Francisco-based user experience and design firm Spring Studio as we move forward with our objective of becoming the World's best digital bank. This is the video communicating the news featuring Mark Jamison - BBVA Head of UX/Design and Marianna Wickman, who leads the bank's global Design Team.

April 1, 2015

Iberia Airlines' new campaign

Here in Madrid, I enjoying consulting with Carolina Issler - CMO for Iberia Airlines - when I want to discuss anything related to the world of marketing. The travel industry is a benchmark when it comes to digital transformation and there's a tremendous amount of knolwledge that applies to other business categories. Here's Iberia's new campaign targetting the Brazilian market that Carolina shared with me the other day.  Ironically, I'm writing this post from an Iberia lounge at Barrajas International on my way to a ski trip in the French Slps.