May 17, 2015

Cool copy on a cup of coffee

Copywriting has the power of bringing concepts to life. Not easy at all. I've always enjoyed packaging, at many times, it's the most important contact point for consumer products.  I remember many years ago reading the packaging copy on the first Innocent Smoothie bottles and being amazed of how simple, corky and unexpectedly engaging they were.

Well, this morning I saw another fantastic example of the power of words to create a connection.  We're spending the weekend in Berlin and staying at this funky place called the Michelberger Hotel.  This is the coffee cup my wife picked up at breakfast this morning.  The copy on the cup is creatively brilliant.

"We meet at the bar. You ask for me. You know I'm hot. You can't resist. You put your hands on me. You pull me to your lips. You use me. You take what you want. Then it's all over. You throw me aside. You walk away. No calls. No letters. It's ok. I'm not bitter."

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