December 19, 2007

Heading Towards a Model of Collaborative Innovation

Knowing how much I like the idea of a model of collaborative innovation, a friend sent me an article from 'The McKinsey Quartlerly' entitled Innovative Management: A Conversation with Gary Hamel and Lowell Bryan' written by Joanna Barsh. There was one particular sentence from Gary Hamel that pretty well summarizes the beginning of a new era in the innovation process where consumers will have a more active role:

"The combination of technology and talent is a powerful catalyst for value creation, but to take advantage of the Web's capacity to help us aggregate and amplify human potential in new ways, we must first of all abandon some of our traditional management beliefs - the notion, for example, that strategy should be set at the top."

I believe we're heading towards a model of collaborative innovation, the question is how are we, as marketers, going to take full advantage of this new era?

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