Wood-burning Stove that Produces Electricity... a hot idea bringing comfort for isolated families in the Amazon Region
Brazilian mechanical engineer and researcher Ronaldo Sato spent 7 years developing a hot innovation (hot... literally): a wood-burning stove that also produces electricity. The first prototypes generate enough electricty for five light bulbs and a TV set. The project, called 'Geralux', was designed to save 50% firewood versus conventional stoves and does not release ashes in the environment. The energy produced by the stove is stored in the same type of battery used in automobiles. The innovation is very practical because it can generate electricity, for example, for a public school while the cafeteria lunch is being prepared. After several trials in the Xapuri region - a rubber tapper settlement - a final prototype is ready for roll-out. The State of Acre has announced plans on using this innovation for 20,000 families who live in isolated communities in the Amazon region. A valuable lesson that even an old product like a wood-burning stove can be recycled to become something entirely new.
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