While the world collapses... I feel I need a break from so much bad news on the global economic meltdown. So, I decided to write about something light and fun. Like soccer. In a few days, the Museu do Futebol - Brazil's most important museum fully dedicated to the country's greatest passion - opens its doors at the Pacaembú Stadium in São Paulo. It was about time. I'm obviously super excited to go and check it out.
The opening of the museum is part of the stadium's pitch to be selected to host some of the 2014 FIFA World Cup matches. The most likely contender in São Paulo is the Morumbi Stadium, which created some buzz earlier this year with newly renovated corporate booths and VIP area. Recently, they opened Santo Paulo Bar, Brazil's best located soccer-themed bar & restaurant overlooking the field, something very common in Europe and the U.S. but rather new to this part of the world. I hope we see more initiatives that celebrate the beautiful game and offer fans a better experience.